When I think of roses, I think of the special moments in life. Naturally, the verse in Shir HaShirim – K’shoshana bein ha’chochim rings in my ears as well, including the songs that have been written for those words.
But practically speaking, roses have consistently been present during some of the most memorable moments of my life. Whether it was the dozen I presented the night I proposed, the arrangements at our wedding, or bringing home a bouquet during those hectic moments before Shabbos, the sight and smell of roses causes me to pause and reflect on the very greatest gifts of life: my eishes chayil and the opportunity to spend Shabbos together with her and the family we have built.
Perhaps this is another interpretation of the imagery of the “rose amongst the thorns.” There are plenty of thorny moments in life, but in between them we find the amazing gifts and special moments represented, and often accompanied by, the roses.